While there are a number of acupuncture practitioners who strictly do acupuncture, you can often find practitioners who use other techniques along with treating your body with tiny needles. If you have a health issue for which you believe acupuncture may be the answer, and you're researching different practitioners who work in your area, it's useful to find one who can use these additional techniques during your sessions. When paired with traditional acupuncture, these varied techniques may be ideal for speeding up the healing process.
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Whether you are living with chronic pain, headaches, insomnia, or fatigue, visiting a chiropractor can help. Unfortunately, most people do not fully understand this practice and how it can improve a person's physical and emotional wellness. Before your initial consultation, here are a few things chiropractors want you to know.
It Is a Smart Investment
You may think chiropractic care is too expensive or not worth the cost. Not only will many insurance companies pay for some of your treatment, but chiropractic care may also decrease your future healthcare costs.
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In your search for a solution to chronic pain, you might think you've tried every possible option until you come across the term "rolfing." This method is becoming more popular, but a lot of people just don't know anything about it. If the word intrigues you and you're open to trying something new to help with your pain, here's what to know.
What Is It?
Rolfing is named after the woman who created the method, Dr.
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Chiropractors are heath care providers that treat muscle and nerve problems by working with and manipulating the patient's spine. Much controversy surrounds the chiropractic practice, due to the fact that chiropractors are not the same as medical doctors. However, danger or injury related to chiropractic treatment is rare overall, and it is widely considered safe and healthy. For those with neuromuscular disorders, it is best to think of chiropractic treatment as complementary medicine in addition to a doctor's treatment.
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To function correctly, your body's joints must be perfectly balanced and aligned. Unfortunately, there are a number of problems and issues that can cause the body's joints to become misaligned. This issue can be especially problematic for children because these misalignments can be more pronounced in their rapidly growing bodies. If you have not seriously considered this option, the following answers to common questions should help you to make an informed choice for your child's needs.
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